Success Starts with YOU!

June 23, 2020

How many smart business owners do you know? If you’re like me, that number is likely large. Now, how many smart AND successful people do you know in business? If you sit back and think about it, is this number smaller? Why are there so many smart businesspeople who aren’t successful? It’s simple: people get comfortable. They tend not to venture out and market to new customers and territories because they’re content with what they have and businesses current situation. Sometimes, it can be more comfortable interacting with the same customers because they know them, and the conversations are natural and free from awkwardness. Still, smart people understand that having the faith to venture out to new territories and stepping outside of their bubble will lead to new opportunities.

Encourage Your Team to Level Up

I was recently talking to a successful business owner who has had 100% growth in their team. While that’s fantastic and certainly an accomplishment to celebrate, she was surprised when I asked how much she was focusing on leadership development. As business owners, it’s critical to encourage our leaders to push their team towards leadership and success. When we challenge our team to push past what’s comfortable, we’re preparing them to level up in their business and grow as valuable business leaders. Changing your behaviors when it comes to how you interact with your team can be hard, but this change is significant. It will not only allow your team members to experience personal growth, but you will experience that growth as well.

Take Risks and Embrace Change

Smart and successful business owners take risks. But, not only do they take risks, they take INTELLIGENT risks. These are risks that they think through and thoroughly weigh the pros and cons of. When you’re a business owner, the only rules are “grace, class, and respect”- everything else is entirely up to you. With big, intelligent risks come big rewards. Be consistent with the smart risks and business decisions you make. Lastly, adapting to change can be difficult- but always remember: change is evitable and growth is an option. Although you may not like change, it almost always presents an opportunity for yourself and others.

Seize Every Opportunity

Speaking of change, we’ve finally entered a new season! Summer is typically everyone’s favorite time of year because of the weather, vacation time, and more time to spend with friends and family. It’s my favorite for one other reason— this time of year is when many people lose focus, making it the perfect time for us to embrace the opportunities they’re not chasing! While your competitors are out on boats, traveling, and laying by the pool, use this time to venture out, take risks, and grow. Now is the time for the grinders, the moneymakers, the movers, and the shakers. What you do today affects where you’ll be nine months from now. Believe that you deserve to be successful and instill this belief into your team. You are worthy and deserving of having a better life IF you put your time in. You want to be remembered not only as someone who believed in themselves but someone who gave others the courage and confidence to believe in themselves as well- that’s where the magic happens.

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Cynthia Thomas
4 years ago

I gave myself a goal of adding 3 people to my team by Oct 31, 2020. After watching videos and training I believe I can add 5! My goal is to add 5 team members by Oct 31, 2020.