Your Business Can Be Fun and Games

September 18, 2020

We all like to play games—especially these last few months when we’ve been hanging out at home more. Many of us have been setting aside one night a week for game night with the family. Whether it’s a traditional board game or video game, it’s fun, challenging, and gives us goals to hit.

Even our phones have become an outlet for games. And not just for playing solitaire or Animal Crossing. Going to a restaurant? You make a reservation on Open Table and earn points. You check in on your phone once you get there and get rewards, from a free appetizer to drink specials.

Games motivate us in our everyday lives, so why can’t we use that strategy in our business? An article on outlines how the goals in games, and goals in business, are similar.

In a nutshell, gamification is the use of game mechanics or thinking to aid with real problem solving or task completion activities. To put it simply, it’s turning ordinary tasks into a game.

    • Striving toward a goal (usually with many smaller goals in between).
    • Earning rewards.
    • Leveling up.
    • Plotting your way through a course.
    • Avoiding or defeating situations which could cost rewards.

Now, it doesn’t mean creating a game, it just means creating goals within your business structure, making the goal process fun, and building engagement in your group. has strategy tips to help you make gamification work including:

    • Develop creative awards.
    • Level the playing field.
    • Don’t just celebrate the top earner.
    • Track progress and report to the group.

Gamification in business is about the team.

That’s how you succeed, by empowering and encouraging your team to set and reach goals. It’s up to you as a team leader to make it fun and rewarding, and the gamification of your business can do just that.

Good luck and have fun!

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