Making “Shift” Happen

If you’ve joined me on “Rise and Grind” recently, either on Facebook or Zoom, you may have heard me talk about “making shift happen” on a few different occasions. I repeat this during meetings because, as much as entrepreneurs need to hear it, I need to be reminded to make shift happen too. It’s important […]

Be A Closer

Want to be a seller? You have to be a closer too. We learn to be sellers of products. How many times did you set up a neighborhood lemonade stand when you were little? You tried out your charm with a big smile and wave to see if you’d get any attention from possible customers. […]

The Four Agreements 

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes it can hit you where it hurts, right in the wallet.  I’m thankful to have a go-to group of CEOs I can reach out to when looking for guidance in my business. Sometimes three or four of us will get together for drinks at a local bar and bounce strategy off […]

ABC Easy as 1, 2, 3

Success doesn’t happen overnight, and you shouldn’t believe anyone who tells you differently. My success story spans an eight-year period, where my mom, Patty, and I drove some of the first Pure Romance products in a U-Haul across the country.   Patty challenged me at first. She refused to drive for more than eight hours. Like […]

Learning = Evolving

We’re presented with new challenges each day, whether we’re in the office, working from home, or on the go. Learning something new adds to a challenge and can sometimes make our days longer and harder. It’s how we respond to those tougher days that helps us grow. Let’s take a trip to the not-so-distant past: […]

Disney’s Business Practices Applied to Life

Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida is celebrating its  50th anniversary over the next 18 months! You may be surprised to find out… that’s just the age of the Florida theme park, Disney Land opened in 1955. Founder Walt Disney actually sold his first cartoon almost 100 years ago. As a brand that shares magic, […]

You Have 24 Hours in a Day, Spend Them Wisely

Part of me will always feel like I’m back in college ready to rally the team on the football field, or travel to the different corners of the world. As I’ve gotten older, time only goes faster. I’ll blink and suddenly, it’s a new year, my kids are five inches taller, there’s another new social […]

How to Recover from Setbacks

For entrepreneurs, business owners and other professionals, it’s a challenging world to live in right now. With consumer behavior changing in addition to the uneasy economy, it’s hard to know what the future holds. Navigating new sales and business tactics needed for success can be overwhelming. It’s perfectly normal for you to be feeling pessimistic […]

There Is No Such Thing as A Stupid Question

“There is no such thing as a stupid question.” We’ve heard the cliché through many phases of life. When we were eager kids in the classroom, asking a friend for dating advice or even when we were the newbie in the office trying to find our bearings. The phrase seems reassuring, but asking questions, especially […]

5 Important Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

Whether you’re sitting in a coffee shop with laptop open, shopping for shoes or attending a friend’s birthday party, if you’re an entrepreneur, you are always “working.” For an entrepreneur, “work” is anything from answering emails to meeting new people and converting them to clients. If you’re always “on” then you need to be always […]