Live Life by Design, Not Default

“Live your life by design, not default” is one of my favorite mantras. But what does it look like to live life by design as a leader and an entrepreneur? Living life by design simply means this: you are the architect of your life and your business. You are not following a blueprint drawn up […]

10 Tips for Motivating Teams

Leaders come in all forms. You could be a business leader, the leader of a volunteer group or the leader of your household. Regardless of your industry and responsibilities, the role is essentially the same: lead the “team” to be the best they can be. To reach greatness, your team has to be motivated. As […]

Labor Day: A Day to Celebrate YOU, Our Pure Romance Partners

Labor Day is traditionally a time to take the day off and honor the hard-working men and women in our country. Picnics, parties, and red, white, and blue bunting mark the unofficial end of summer and the start of a busy fall season. When Labor Day comes around each year, I like to take time […]

Warren Buffett’s Lessons for Entrepreneurs on his 91st Birthday

CLC Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett quotes are about as numerous as his years on Earth. From his belief in simple and direct forms of communication, “You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it,” to his affinity to act on gut-feelings, “Trust is like the air we breathe – […]

4 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Dear Partners, Today is Women’s Equality Day, a holiday to celebrate the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. On this day, 101 years ago, women stood up for what they deserved and fought to establish equal rights. They won the battle, but the war is, by […]

The Pumpkin Spice Latte – A Lesson in Exclusivity Marketing

On brew this week . . . the PSL. If you’re like me and Starbucks is part of your morning routine, you’ll know immediately that PSL stands for that coveted fall favorite, Pumpkin Spice Latte. That’s right, yesterday marked the autumnal return of Starbucks’ signature drink. It can be a polarizing flavor, but you cannot […]

Leaders as Learners

Recently, I started using a new wellness supplement. I was interested to try the product because of the benefits but more so because I want to be able to recommend this product to others. But before I can confidently recommend it, people need to be able to trust that I’ve tried it, too. A little […]

The Authority on Women’s Wellness

A Blog for Pure Romance Partners This past weekend, Pure Romance successfully executed our first in-person, large-scale event in over two years. National Training is a time for our sales force to come together to learn new techniques, ask questions and most importantly, network with like-minded business owners. We welcomed over 2,000 of our Partners […]

Olympic Athletes and Being Mentally Strong

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been curious about The Olympic Games, which kicked off with the opening ceremony on July 22nd. So my curiosity led me to the same place you might get your information: the all-knowing Siri. Do you talk to Siri like I do? I asked her about Olympic athletes and what […]

Dreamers vs. Doers

Do you remember the game MASH? Yes, I’m talking about THAT MASH- Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House. When I was a kid, I thought this game would single-handedly determine the type of adulthood I would have. From where I would live to how many kids I would have and what kind of car I would drive. […]